Saturday 25 February 2017

Hapa Blogs Suck, and You Suck for Reading Them (A video!)

Why yes, I am of mixed white/Asian ancestry. I usually don't like the whole identity politics bitchfest, so I don't feel it's worth mentioning. However...

So last week, a glance at my website’s statistics showed that the Reddit “hapas” board had a bit of a bone to pick with me…over an article I wrote last October, in which I linked to Longing for Death in exactly one sentence of a 1000 word article.

I suppose I should have just been thankful for getting 10 extra readers to my website. But curious as to this subculture that I only dimly knew existed, and have not referred to since October, I decided to dive into the abyss and check out the aforementioned flagship blog of this “movement”. And after reading a few thousand words, I made this Youtube video to address some of what I saw, breaking my personal rule against internet drama, which I have never been involved with since this blog’s inception (…the post referring to me as a “Red pill autist” also may have spurred me to action).

Was my original assessment of Mr. Eurasian Tiger and his blog correct, or do I owe the man an apology? And why should I even care about what some guy on Reddit thinks of me?

You yourself can find the answer to both of the questions above, and many more questions that you may have (about all players involved in this little non-scandal) in the video which is embedded below this very sentence you are reading.

This will likely be the first of many more V-Logs/Rants that I’ll do in the years I plan on running this blog. If you would like to see me do a V-Log on some other issue, one that you are interested in, please leave a comment below or send me an email via the Contact page linked here.

And of course, if you want more videos, please subscribe to my Youtube channel.

This article was originally posted on The Barbaric Gentleman

Larsen Halleck
Larsen Halleck is a physical culturist, martial artist, musician, writer, and (barely) a Youtuber and cartoonist- a man of many talents and moderate wages. He blogs about a multitude of subjects at The Barbaric Gentleman where he offers a free fitness PDF to subscribers. His writing and/or videos can also be found on Return Of Kings, The Liberty Conservative, and New Media Central.

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