Monday 4 July 2016

The Importance Of Character And Kindness In Women

Contrary to what you might have heard, girls aren’t always sugar and spice and all things nice. When you see a pretty face, it’s the most natural thing to assume that its owner is a nice person. We associate a nice exterior with a nice interior, because otherwise it wouldn’t make sense, right? That’s called the Halo effect. And you have to snap yourself out of it.

I know it can be hard to imagine that someone so cute could be rotten, but you have to separate looks from personality. Imagine if you were a hot but horrible girl and everyone treated you like an angel all your life just because you’re cute. Wouldn’t you want to keep up the façade and take advantage of the way people view you? Well, it happens, so don’t fall for it. Be discerning.

You need to find someone who is a good person who cares about people. Look for these qualities next time you’re getting to know a woman…


It’s vital that you get into the habit of observing her behaviour and how she interacts with people in general, as well as with you. You don’t want to end up with an unscrupulous, amoral sociopath who doesn’t care about doing the right thing. You need to be with someone who you can respect for her character, principles, values and sense of honour. Her conduct should be admirable and exemplary, and she should always act with integrity and stick to her principles. She should be fair, and have a functioning moral compass that gives her a clear sense of right and wrong. 

At this point you might be laughing and thinking, “yeah, right!” but they do exist. Maybe not in your neck of the woods, but the world is a big place with many different cultures, and different values. Women are very different depending on where you are.

Is aware of others

Unfortunately, there are a lot of narcissistic women out there who seem oblivious to others. But the good news is that you can easily spot them by the way they yap selfishly and relate everything back to themselves. There are other obvious signs too, you just have to pay attention. A vain, self absorbed woman who is too preoccupied with herself to care about others will not care about you either.

Forget about those, no matter how cute they may be. Go for one who is aware of and takes a genuine interest in other people. She should listen and give people attention, be conscious of their needs, and relate and adapt to them.

Has a heart and feelings

It’s important to find a sensitive girl who wears her heart on her sleeve, genuinely feels emotions, and shows them. If nothing much touches her, then she most likely lacks many of the qualities of a feminine, caring woman. A lack of vulnerability and putting on a tough, hardened exterior is bad news too. If she hides her feelings, doesn’t cry, doesn’t admit when she’s hurt and pretends to not care, that’s just not right. Remember, if her heart can’t get hurt, then it can’t love.

Empathy & Compassion

Again, keep your eyes open and watch how she treats people. If she is indifferent and insensitive to others’ needs and problems, that’s how she’ll eventually treat you. Don’t waste your life with a cold, callous, heartless woman who is incapable of putting herself in someone else’s shoes.

Find one who cares about other people’s feelings, demonstrates empathy towards them and is sympathetic and compassionate. That’s the kind of girl that you need by your side!

Considerate, thoughtful & kind

A wonderful potential girlfriend or wife is one who enjoys giving, takes pride in doing nice things for others, and is willing to altruistically make sacrifices just to see others happy. Keep an eye out for a generous girl who loves to share and reciprocates anything you do for her, and who is thoughtful, considerate and obliging. 

Don’t waste your time on a greedy, selfish woman who just wants to take, and who won’t do anything for anyone unless there’s something in it for her, or it makes her look good.

Well meaning

Part of being a good companion worthy of respect is wanting the best for the other person, and for people in general. Watch how she is with others as well as with you. Learn to spot the signs of a loving, good natured, benevolent, caring girl who is happy for others, and shows goodwill.

A malicious, spiteful, mean woman who doesn’t care about you or anyone else, who is jealous and resentful of others, and who loves to see people fail is practically impossible to love, and she’ll screw you over sooner or later. Not all witches have pointy hats and ride on brooms (if only it were that easy to spot them).

Respectful Of others

She needs to take you seriously, give you respect, and listen to you. She must never be irreverent, flippant or facetious towards you. If she tries to humiliate and embarrass you, or if she ignores you, or enjoys pushing your buttons, just leave. Life is too short to waste it on disrespectful, insolent women.

Having a respectful attitude means treating people with dignity and saying kind things. It’s about building them up and making them feel good. Insulting or patronising people, even jokingly, or making someone feel stupid or inadequate, is unacceptable.

As you can see, it’s not just about how she treats you, but also how she treats others. This actually makes it easy to spot a bad one because even if she seems to treat you OK, if she treats others badly, then you’re next. Eventually. It’s about observing what she’s capable of. If she treats others badly, don’t assume that just because she’s fine with you that it’s because you’re special to her. A really good woman treats everyone well by default.

So put your dick to one side and remember that character and kindness are the top qualities that a woman should have if she’s going to be worth being with. Almost all of the other important qualities come from this. As far as I’m concerned, this is the big one to watch out for. You can only fall in love with a heart, which means that she must have one.

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